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In 2022, Hiki Ola secured a 2-year Racial Equity and Justice grant from the USDA with a goal to address barriers that impede Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders participation in Farm Bill programs.  


Several organizations participated in a training provided by Hiki Ola and NRCS outlining how Farm Bill programs can include traditional practices.  The following is a list of those that participated.

Resource Professional List

Liana Macdonald-Kainoa: (808) 209-0596

Ano Puʻuwai

Outreach and Education

Sebastian Maʻa: (808) 443-1458

Forest Solutions, Inc.

Land management and consultation services (i.e., management plan writing, invasive species control, native species outplanting, mapping, vegetation removal, fence installation and maintenance, stewardship of culturally sensitive sites and resources (wahi kupuna).

Orion Enocencio: (808) 765-7745

Hawaiʻi Land Stewards

Ungulate control and removal, fencing, forestry mulching, land clearing, control burning and reforestation

Noa Lincoln: (808) 217-7710

Māla Kalaʻulu Cooperative

Provide native Hawaiian crops (breadfruit, ʻawa, etc.) for planting; farm planning and design

Colin Onaka: (808) 960-7373

Waiʻaha LLC

Mulching, ungulate control, fencing, land clearing and grading, septic, aggregate and mulch hauling

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